Yudistiro R, Arisaka Y, Tokue A, Nakajima T: Differentiation of sarcoidosis-lymphoma syndrome lesions: a case report on the use of two different positron emission tomography tracers. BMC Med Imaging. 2016 Jan 8;16:1. doi: 10.1186/s12880-015-0104-x.
Aoki M, Hagiwara S, Miyazaki M, Kaneko M, Murata M, Nakajima J, Ohyama Y, Tamura J, Tsushima Y, Oshima K: Genuine splenic artery aneurysm rupture treated by N-butyl cyanoacrylate and metallic coils under resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta. Acute Med Surg. 2016 Jan 11;3(3):286-289. doi: 10.1002/ams2.168.
Hoshino H, Higuchi T, Achmad A, Taketomi-Takahashi A, Fujimaki H, Tsushima Y: A new approach for simple radioisotope cisternography examination in cerebrospinal fluid leakage detection. Ann Nucl Med. 2016 Jan;30(1):40-8. doi: 10.1007/s12149-015-1030-2.
Yonemoto Y, Okamura K, Takeuchi K, Kaneko T, Kobayashi T, Okura C, Tsushima Y, Takagishi K: [(18)F]fluorodeoxyglucose uptake as a predictor of large joint destruction in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatol Int. 2016 Jan;36(1):109-15. doi: 10.1007/s00296-015-3331-0.
Aoki M, Tokue H, Koyama Y, Tsushima Y, Oshima K: Transcatheter arterial embolization with N-butyl cyanoacrylate for arterial esophageal bleeding in esophageal cancer patients. World J Surg Oncol. 2016 Feb 24;14:54. doi: 10.1186/s12957-016-0803-y.
Tsushima Y, Ishiguchi T, Murakami T, Hayashi H, Hayakawa K, Fukuda K, Korogi Y, Sugimoto H, Takehara Y, Narumi Y, Arai Y, Kuwatsuru R, Yoshimitsu K, Awai K, Kanematsu M, Takagi R: Safe use of iodinated and gadolinium-based contrast media in current practice in Japan: a questionnaire survey. Jpn J Radiol. 2016 Feb;34(2):130-9. doi: 10.1007/s11604-015-0505-3.
Kasama S, Toyama T, Sato M, Sono H, Ueda T, Sasaki T, Nakahara T, Higuchi T, Tsushima Y, Kurabayashi M: Prognastic value of myocardial perfusion single photon emission computed tomography for major adverse caradiac cerebrobascular and renal events in patients with chronic kidney disease: results from first year of follow-up of the Gunma-CKD SPECT multi-center study. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2016 Feb;43(2):302-311.
doi: 10.1007/s00259-015-3197-0.
Suto T, Okamura K, Yonemoto Y, Okura C, Tsushima Y, Takagishi K: Prediction of large joint destruction in patients with rheumatoid arthritis using 18F-FDG PET/CT and disease activity score. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Feb;95(7):e2841. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000002841.
Takahashi Y, Sano R, Takahashi K, Kominato Y, Takei H, Kobayashi S, Shimada T, Tokue H, Awata S, Hirasawa S: Use of postmortem coronary computed tomography angiography with water-insoluble contrast medium to detect stenosis of the left anterior descending artery in a case of sudden death. Leg Med (Tokyo). 2016 Mar;19:47-51. doi: 10.1016/j.legalmed.2016.02.003.
Takei Y, Fujihara K, Tagawa M, Hironaga N, Near J, Kasagi M, Takahashi Y, Motegi T, Suzuki Y, Aoyama Y, Sakurai N, Yamaguchi M, Tobimatsu S, Ujita K, Tsushima Y, Narita K, Fukuda M: The inhibition/excitation ratio related to task-induced oscillatory modulations during a working memory task: a multtimodal-imaging study using MEG and MRS. Neuroimage. 2016 Mar;128:302-15.
Kodaira S, Nakajima T, Takahashi R, Moriya S, Nakagawa T, Ohtake H, Tsushima Y: A case of intra-articular ganglion cysts of the knee joint: correlation between arthroscopic and magnetic resonance imaging. BMC Med Imaging. 2016 May 4; 16(1): 36. doi: 10.1186/s12880-016-0138-8.
Kodaira S, Nakajima T, Arisaka Y, Higuchi T, Tsushima Y: Advantages of L-3-[(18)F] fluoro-alpha-methyl tyrosine over 2-[(18)F]-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose in detecting liver metastasis during positron emission tomography scan. Springerplus. 2016 May 13;5:618. doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-2212-7.
Abe T, Shibuya K, Koyama Y, Okamoto M, Kiyohara H, Katoh H, Shimada H, Kuwano H, Ohno T, Nakano T: Initial results of hypofractionated carbon Ion radiotherapy for cholangiocarcinoma. Anticancer Res. 2016 Jun;36(6):2955-60.
Ohshima Y, Kaira K, Yamaguchi A, Oriuchi N, Tominaga H, Nagamori S, Kanai Y, Yokobori T, Miyazaki T, Asao T, Tsushima Y, Kuwano H, Ishioka N: Efficacy of LAT1 inhibition as a therapeutic target in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Sci. 2016 Jul 28. doi: 10.1111/cas.13021.
Shibuya K, Koyama Y, Tsushima Y: Accordion phenomenon of the hepatic artery: mimicker of vasospasm or intimal injury. Acta Radiol Open. 2016 Aug 10;5(8):2058460116651900.
doi: 10.1177/2058460116651900.
Ariyani W, Iwasaki T, Miyazaki W, Khongorzul E, Nakajima T, Kameo S, Koyama H, Tsushima Y, Koibuchi N: Effects of gadolinium-based contrast agents on thyroid hormone receptor action and thyroid hormone-induced cerebellar purkinje cell morphogenesis. Front Endorinol(Lausanne). 2016 Aug 26;7:115. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2016.00115.
Aoki M, Hagiwara S, Tokue H, Shibuya K, Kaneko M, Murata M, Nakajima J, Sawada Y, Isshiki Y, Ichikawa Y, Oshima K: Prediction of extravasation in pelvic fracture using coagulation biomarkers. Injury. 2016 Aug;47(8):1702-6. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2016.05.012.
Miyazaki M, Iguchi T, Takaki H, Yamanaka T, Tamura Y, Tokue H, Sato Y, Ikeda O, Shimizu T, Yamakado K: Ablation protocols and ancillary procedures in tumor ablation therapy: consensus from Japanese experts. Jpn J Radiol. 2016 Sep;34(9):647-56.
doi: 10.1007/s11604-016-0569-8.
Tokue H, Shibuya K, Ueno H, Tokue A, Tsushima Y: Percutaneous direct puncture embolization with n-butyl-cyanoacrylate for high-flow priapism. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2016 Sep;39(9):1343-6. doi: 10.1007/s00270-016-1356-8.
Miyazaki M, Arai Y, Myoui A, Gobara H, Sone M, Rosenthal DI, Tsushima Y, Kanazawa S, Ehara S, Endo K: Phase I/II multi-institutional study of percutaneous radiofrequency ablation for painful osteoid osteoma (JIVROSG-0704). Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2016 Oct;39(10):1464-70. doi: 10.1007/s00270-016-1438-7.
Kartamihardja AA, Nakajima T, Kameo S, Koyama H, Tsushima Y: Impact of impaired renal function on gadolinium retention after administration of gadolinium-based contrast agents in a mouse model. Invest Radiol. 2016 Oct;51(10):655-60. doi: 10.1097/RLI.0000000000000295.
Kartamihardja AA, Nakajima T, Kameo S, Koyama H, Tsushima Y: Distribution and clearance of retained gadolinium in the brain: differences between linear and macrocyclic gadolinium based contrast agents in a mouse. Br J Radiol. 2016 Oct;89(1066):20160509.
Ohshima Y, Kaira K, Yamaguchi A, Oriuchi N, Tominaga H, Nagamori S, Kanai Y, Yokobori T, Miyazaki T, Asao T, Tsushima Y, Kuwano H, Ishioka NS: Efficacy of system l amino acid transporter 1 inhibition as a therapeutic target in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Sci. 2016 Oct;107(10):1499-1505. doi: 10.1111/cas.13021.
Kuninaka H, Takahashi Y, Sano R, Takahashi K, Kubo R, Kominato Y, Takei H, Kobayashi S, Shimada T, Tokue H, Awata S, Hirasawa S: Use of postmortem computed tomography angiography to detect vascular injuries accompanying skull base fracture. Leg Med (Tokyo). 2016 Nov;23:55-58. doi: 10.1016/j.legalmed.2016.09.008.
Kaira K, Higuchi T, Sunaga N, Arisaka Y, Hisada T, Tominaga H, Oriuchi N, Asao T, Tsushima Y, Yamada M: Usefulness of 18F-α-methyltyrosine PET for therapeutic monitoring of patients with advanced lung cancer. Anticancer Res. 2016 Dec;36(12):6481-6490. doi: 10.21873/anticanres.11247.
Shibuya K, Tahara H, Takeuchi S, Koyama Y, Tsushima Y: New method of parent catheter advancement in the balloon anchor technique during balloon-occluded transarterial chemoembolization for hepatic tumors. Case Reports in Radiology. 2016;2016:1957129 doi: 10.1155/2016/1957129.
Miyazaki M, Sato K, Yanagawa T, Tsushima Y: Improved percutaneous CT fluoroscopy-guided cryoablation technique for osteoid osteoma: a report of two cases. Low Temp Med. 2016 Vol.41(2): 65-68
Tokue H, Tokue A, Morita H, Tsushima Y: Successful interventional management for pulmonary arterial injury secondary to pacemaker implantation. Case Rep Cardiol. 2016;2016:4340193. doi: 10.1155/2016/4340193.
山口藍子, 花岡宏史, 樋口徹也, 対馬義人: 腫瘍集積性および滞留性に優れたMIBG誘導体「FIBG」に関する基礎的検討. 群馬県核医学研究会会誌 Vol.31 No.1 2016
久保田香瑠: 放射線科研修医のための骨関節の偽病変-Upper extremity/Arm(上肢)- 臨床画像Vol.32, No.3, 2016
対馬義人: 造影剤のリスクマネージメント. 臨床画像4月号 2016
対馬義人, 林宏光(編): 造影剤のリスクマネージメント. 臨床放射線 3月号 2016
中野祥子, 福島康宏, 宮崎将也, 対馬義人: 肺のperfusion CT. 臨床画像Vol. 32,No.5, 2016
対馬義人: 動物実験から見たガドリウム造影剤体内蓄積の最近の知見と今後について. 臨床画像 Vol.32, No.8, 2016
対馬義人: ガドリニウム造影剤の安全性. 日獨医報 Vol.61, No.1, 2016
福島康宏: CT被ばく線量管理の現状と将来展望. 日獨医報 Vol.61, No.1, 2016
岡内研三, 対馬義人: Multi-Organ Diseaseへの核医学的アプローチ.泌尿器: 腫瘍性疾患, 遺伝性・先天性疾患. 臨床放射線 Vol.61 No.11 2016
橋詰香瑠, 小山恵子, 持木瑞規, 星崎洋, 大島茂, 樋口徹也, 対馬義人: 心電図同期心筋SPECTと心臓超音波での左室機能評価指標の比較. 第82回日本心臓血管放射線研究会 1.30, 千葉
花岡宏史: RI標識ベバシズマブを用いたトリプルネガティブ乳癌治療に関する基礎的検討. 日本薬学会第136年会 3.26-29, 横浜
山口藍子: 不安定プラークの診断を目的としたマクロファージ標的蛍光プラーブの有用性評価. 日本薬学会第136年会 3.26-29, 横浜
Tokue H, Miyazaki M, Koyama Y, Hirasawa S, Shibuya K, Tokue A, Nakano S, Kurabayashi T, Tsushima Y: 17G cryoneedles percutaneous cryoablation in patients with lung tumors: A perliminary?experience. JRS 4.14-17, Yokohama
Miyazaki M, Tokue H, Tsushima Y: CT Fluoroscopy Guided Percutaneous Cryoablation for Painful Musculoskeletal Lesions: Technical Tips and Tricks. JRS 4.14-17, Yokohama
Kumasaka Y, Aoki J, Itoh M, Ohta K, KatumataY, Abe K, Hiraishi H, Amanuma M, Tsushima Y: CT evaluation of corpus luteum bleeding. JRS 4.14-17, Yokohama
Ryan Yudistiro: Semiquantitative parameters of 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography and 111In-Ibritumomab tiuxetan scintigraphy as prognastic factor of 90Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan therapy. JRS 4.14-17, Yokohama
Lamid-Ochir Oyunbold: Early prediction of therapeutic effect of cyroablation using bioluminescence image: An experimental study. JRS 4.14-17, Yokohama
Gu Wenchao: Evaluation of new PET tracer of fluorine -18 labeled peptide targetin GP3 for imaging Hepatocellular carcinoma. JRS 4.14-17, Yokohama
江原雅之, 宮崎将也, 徳江浩之, 松村望, 新井秀雄, 平戸純子, 対馬義人: 腎腫瘤凍結療法が腎腫瘤生検に与える影響に関する検討. 第45回日本IVR学会総会 5.26-28, 名古屋
徳江浩之, 宮崎将也, 小山佳成, 平澤聡, 渋谷圭, 中野祥子, 倉林剛巳, 江原雅之, 青木誠, 対馬義人: 肺悪性腫瘍に対する経皮的凍結治療についての初期経験. 第45回日本IVR学会総会 5.26-28, 名古屋
宮崎将也, 徳江浩之, 渋谷圭, 対馬義人: 疼痛に対するRFA・凍結療法. 第45回日本IVR学会総会 5.26-28, 名古屋
宮崎将也, 徳江浩之, 淺野和也, 関優子, 安藤雅, 対馬義人: 経皮的凍結療法における人工腹水の至適造影剤含有濃度に関する基礎的検討. 第45回日本IVR学会総会 5.26-28, 名古屋
福島康宏, 宮澤仁美, 中村潤平, 福田淳也, 須藤高行, 対馬義人: CT検査における腎機能障害患者の造影剤腎症の発生と危険因子. 第17回群馬県CT・MRI研究会 9.10, 群馬
山口直人, 福島康宏, 福田淳也, 須藤高行, 山口藍子, 対馬義人: CTヨード造影剤の急速静注時に感じる匂いと味について. 第17回群馬県CT・MRI研究会 9.10, 群馬
Khongorzul Erdene, 対馬義人, 中島崇仁, 亀尾聡美, 小山洋: 母親マウスへのガドリニウム造影剤投与による経胎盤的な胎児への影響および母親へのガドリニウム沈着への影響. 第17回群馬県CT・MRI研究会 9.10, 群馬
Huong N H, Hanaoka H, Nakajima T, Tsushima Y: Evaluation of diffusion weighted MR Imaging and 18F-FDG PET for monitoring triple negative breast cancer response to Cisplatin treatment. Progress in Radiology 2016 11th symposium of the Japanese Scandinavian Radiological Society 9.16-17, Tokyo
Binh D A, Shimada H, Kanzaki T, Achmad A, Nakajima T, Higuchi T, Tsushima Y: Non-invasive quantitative evaluation of cerebral blood flow (CBF) using technetium labeled ethyl cysteinate dimer (99mTc-ECD): performance of aorta’s region of interest (ROI). Progress in Radiology 2016 11th symposium of the Japanese Scandinavian Radiological Society 9.16-17, Tokyo
Higuchi T, Tomonaga H, Tokue A, Arisaka Y, Takata D, Fujii T, Horiguchi J, Tsushima Y: Retrospective evaluation of the utility of thyroglobulin doubling time in the diagnosis of radioactive-io-dine-refractory differentiated thyroid cancer; initial experience from 6 patients treated with Lenvatinib. Progress in Radiology 2016 11th symposium of the Japanese Scandinavian Radiological Society 9.16-17, Tokyo
Bhattarai A, Nakajima T, Tsushima Y: An introduction of positron emission tomography-based monitoring methods for verification of carbon ion therapy. Progress in Radiology 2016 11th symposium of the Japanese Scandinavian Radiological Society 9.16-17, Tokyo
Kim M, Kuisma A, Kemppainen J, Koskenniemi A-R, Kallajoki M, Taimen P, Ishizu T, Forsback S, Eskola O, Ariponen E, Tuomela J, Gronroos T, Minn H: Effect of hypoxia on transport amino acids in cancer: in vivo and vitro studies at Turku PET Center. Progress in Radiology 2016 11th symposium of the Japanese Scandinavian Radiological Society 9.16-17, Tokyo
Oyunbold L-O, Nakajima T, Miyazaki M, Tsushima Y: Early predicition of therapeutic effect of cyroablation using bioluminescence imaging. Progress in Radiology 2016 11th symposium of the Japanese Scandinavian Radiological Society 9.16-17, Tokyo
Seki Y, Fukushima Y, Ando M, Suto T, Miyazaki M, Tsushima Y: Radiation exposure to interventional radiologists during CT fluoroscopy-guided percutaneous cryoablation. Progress in Radiology 2016 11th symposium of the Japanese Scandinavian Radiological Society 9.16-17, Tokyo
Hayashi N, Shinozaki A, Takeda H, Ukaji T, Kakinuma F, Kobayashi Y, Fukushima Y, Tsushima Y, Ogura A, Ogura T: Material differentiation using special curves in dual-energy CT: quantitative analysis of special curves. Progress in Radiology 2016 11th symposium of the Japanese Scandinavian Radiological Society 9.16-17, Tokyo
Iriuchijima A, Fukushima Y, Suto T, Tsushima Y, Ogura A: Evaluation of organ dose estimation from indexes of CT dose using Monte Carlo simulation. Progress in Radiology 2016 11th symposium of the Japanese Scandinavian Radiological Society 9.16-17, Tokyo
Kartamihardja A A, Nakajima T, Hanamura K, Tsushima Y: Neuronal analysis of hippocampal primary culture after gadolinium-based contrast agent exposure. Progress in Radiology 2016 11th symposium of the Japanese Scandinavian Radiological Society 9.16-17, Tokyo
Erdene K, Nakajima T, Tsushima Y, Khairinisa M A, Kameo S, Koyama H, Koibuchi N: Transplacental gadolinium deposition to pup mice and the effect of their pregnancy for mothers after administration of gadolinium based. Progress in Radiology 2016 11th symposium of the Japanese Scandinavian Radiological Society 9.16-17, Tokyo
Fukushima Y, Miyazaki M, Nakamura J, Fukuda J, Suto T, Tsushima Y: Contrast-induced nephropathy(CIN) of patients with renal dysfunction in CT examination. Progress in Radiology 2016 11th symposium of the Japanese Scandinavian Radiological Society 9.16-17, Tokyo
Zhang X, Kim M, Yamaguchi A, Nakajima T, Tsushima Y: Detection of EGFR Positive Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma by Dynamic Fluorescence Imaging. Progress in Radiology 2016 11th symposium of the Japanese Scandinavian Radiological Society 9.16-17, Tokyo
Motegi S, Shimada T, Hayashi N, Nagase H,Takahashi A, Tsushima Y: Double Inversion Recovery (DIR) Image for the Brain: Deriving the Most Relevant Sequence using Signal Intensity Measurements. Progress in Radiology 2016 11th symposium of the Japanese Scandinavian Radiological Society 9.16-17, Tokyo
Miyazaki M: Percutaneous Cryoablation for Various Diseases-Kindney, Liver, Lung, and MSK lesions-. Progress in Radiology 2016 11th symposium of the Japanese Scandinavian Radiological Society 9.16-17, Tokyo
Miyazaki M, Tsushima Y: True intensions of 3-years ofter the introduction of cryoablation-from Gunma University Hospital-. The 43rd Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Low Temperature Medicine 10.17-18, Tokyo
Miyazaki M, Tsushima Y: Percutaneous Cryoablation for Benign Musculoskeletal Tumor. The 43rd Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Low Temperature Medicine 10.17-18, Tokyo
対馬義人: 造影剤の適切な使い方. 第54回日本癌治療学会学術集会 10.20-22, Yokohama
宮崎将也: 1.5mm細径治療針を用いた肝悪性腫瘍に対する経皮的凍結凝固療法の初期報告. 第54回日本癌治療学会学術集会 10.20-22, Yokohama
樋口徹也: 放射性ヨード抵抗性分化型甲状腺癌におけるTKI治療適応判断でのサイログロブリン倍加時間の有用性の検討. 第56回日本核医学会学術総会 11.3-5, 名古屋
花岡宏史: マウスの系統差によるヨウ素標的αメチル-フェニルアラニンの体内動態の違いに関する検討. 第56回日本核医学会学術総会 11.3-5, 名古屋
山口藍子: 褐色細胞腫のPET診断薬剤としての18F標的MIBGアナログの開発. 第56回日本核医学会学術総会 11.3-5, 名古屋
嶋田博孝: 減弱マップ補正(SSPAC)法による心筋下壁・中隔領域のSPECT画像の診断評価-Prone撮影と比較して-.第56回日本核医学会学術総会 11.3-5, 名古屋
勘崎貴雄: 心筋血流SPECTにおける減弱補正法SSPAC解析改善の検討. 第56回日本核医学会学術総会 11.3-5, 名古屋
Binh An Dang: Non-invasive quantitative evaluation of cerebral blood flow(CBF) using 99mTcECD:performance of aorta’s region of interest(ROI).
Zhang Xieyi: The 18F-FDG PET value for prediction of radioiodine treatment response in metastatic differntiatedthyroid cancer (mDTC). 第56回日本核医学会学術総会 11.3-5, 名古屋
小山恵子: 障害心筋検出における心電図同期心筋SPECTと心臓MRIの比較. 第56回日本核医学会学術総会 11.3-5, 名古屋
富田優衣: 心電図同期心筋SPECTと心臓MRIの心機能解析結果の比較-心臓MRI解析時、左室肉柱有無の影響. 第56回日本核医学会学術総会 11.3-5, 名古屋
小平明果: 肝転移巣に対するFAMT-PETとFDG-PETの検出能比較. 第56回日本核医学会学術総会 11.3-5, 名古屋
Trang Vu Quynh Vy: Influence of attenuation correction on quantitative dopamine transporter(DAT) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). 第56回日本核医学会学術総会 11.3-5, 名古屋
富田優衣, 小山恵子, 持木瑞規, 狩野めぐみ, 小椋太地, 星崎洋, 大島茂, 樋口徹也, 対馬義人:心筋SPECTと心臓MRIの心機能解析結果の比較(SPECT解析ソフトおよびMRI解析方法の影響). 第62回群馬県核医学研究会 11.12, 群馬
登坂雅彦, 堀口桂志, 大澤匡, 好本裕平, 柴崎尚, 有坂有紀子, 樋口徹也, 対馬義人: 頭蓋咽頭腫とFDG-PET. 第62回群馬県核医学研究会 11.12, 群馬
中島崇仁: 眼の画像観測特性に基づく医療画像の客観的評価手法の開発. 群馬大学医理工生命科学融合医療イノベーションプロジェクト平成28年度成果報告会 3.30, 前橋商工会議所