Iriuchijima A, Fukushima Y, Nakajima T, Tsushima Y, Ogura A: Simple method of size- specific dose estimates calculation from patient weight on computed tomography. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2018 Jan 1;178(2):208-212. doi: 10.1093/rpd/ncx100.
Tokue H, Ebara M, Takahashi R, Tokue A, Tsushima Y: Phosphoglyceride crystal deposition disease mimicking a malignant tumor. Eur J Radiol Open. 2018 Jan 28;5:16-19. doi: 10.1016/j.ejro.2018.01.004.
Takei H, Sano R, Takahashi Y, Takahashi K, Kominato Y, Tokue H, Shimada T, Awata S, Hirasawa S, Ohta N: Usefulness of coronary postmortem computed tomography angiography to detect lesions in the coronary artery and myocardium in cases of sudden death. Leg Med (Tokyo). 2018 Jan;30:46-51. doi: 10.1016/j.legalmed.2017.11.005.
Kaira K, Higuchi T, Naruse I, Arisaka Y, Tokue A, Altan B, Suda S, Mogi A, Shimizu K, Sunaga N, Hisada T, Kitano S, Obinata H, Yokobori T, Mori K, Nishiyama M, Tsushima Y, Asao T: Metabolic activity by 18F-FDG-PET/CT is predictive of early response after nivolumab in previously treated NSCLC. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2018 Jan;45(1):56-66. doi: 10.1007/s00259-017-3806-1.
Tokue H, Tokue A, Tsushima Y: Analysis of the time course of changes in imaging findings of small arteries embolized with the N-Butyl cyanoacrylate-lipiodol mixture. Indian J Radiol Imaging. Jan-Mar 2018;28(1):81-84. doi: 10.4103/ijri.IJRI_112_17.
Taira Y, Uehara T, Tsuchiya M, Takemori H, Mizuno Y, Takahashi S, Suzuki H, Hanaoka H, Akizawa H, Arano Y: Coordination-mediated synthesis of purification-free bivalent 99mTc-labeled probes for in vivo imaging of saturable system. Bioconjug Chem. 2018 Feb 21;29(2):459-466. doi: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.
Shinohara A, Hanaoka H, Sakashita T, Sato T, Yamaguchi A, Ishioka NS, Tsushima Y: Rational evaluation of the therapeutic effect and dosimetry of auger electrons for radionuclide therapy in a cell culture model. Ann Nucl Med. 2018 Feb;32(2):114-122. doi: 10.1007/s12149-017-1225-9.
Shiozawa H, Ohsawa T, Tsushima Y, Higuchi T, Takagishi K, Chikuda H: Evaluation of muscle activity just after straight leg raising exercise by using 18FDG-PET. J Orthop Sci. 2018 Mar;23(2):328-333. doi: 10.1016/j.jos.2017.11.017.
Higuchi T, Achmad A, Binh DD, Bhattarai A, Tsushima Y: Determining patient selection tool and response predictor for outpatient 30 mCi radioiodine ablation dose in non-metastatic differentiated thyroid carcinoma: a Japanese perspective. Endocr J. 2018 Mar 28;65(3):345-357. doi: 10.1507/endocrj.EJ17-0343.
Nakahara T, Toyama T, Jinzaki M, Seki R, Saito Y, Higuchi T, Yamada M, Arai M, Tsushima Y, Kuribayashi S, Kurabayashi M: Quantitative analysis of iodine image of dual-energy computed tomography at rest: comparison with 99mTc-tetrofosmin stress-rest single-photon emission computed tomography myocardial perfusion imaging as the reference standard. J Thorac Imaging. 2018 Mar;33(2):97-104. doi: 10.1097/RTI.0000000000000284.
Zhang X, Nakajima T, Kim M, Yamagushi A, Lamid-Ochir O, Nguyen-Thu H, Tsushima Y: Detection of epidermal growth factor receptor expressing lung squamous cell carcinoma by activatable fluorescence imaging. J Nucl Med. May 1, 2018 Vol.59 no.supplement 1 321
Murata M, Aoki M, Hagiwara S, Sekihara M, Kohri T, Shibuya K, Koike N, Miyazaki D, Oshima K: Successful endovascular therapy in an elderly patient with severe hemorrhage caused by traumatic injury. Open Med (Wars). 2018 May 24;13:203-207. doi: 10.1515/med-2018-0031.
Nguyen-Thu H, Hanaoka H, Nakajima T, Yamaguchi A, Nguyen-Cong T, Kartamihardja AAP, Tsushima Y: Early prediction of triple negative breast cancer response to cisplatin treatment using diffusion-weighted MRI and 18F-FDG-PET. Breast Cancer. 2018 May;25(3):334-342. doi: 10.1007/s12282-018-0834-z.
Sano R, Takahashi Y, Hayakawa A, Murayama M, Kubo R, Hirasawa S, Tokue H, Shimada T, Awata S, Takei H, Yuasa M, Uetake S, Akuzawa H, Kominato Y: Use of postmortem computed tomography to retrieve small metal fragments derived from a weapon in the bodies of victims in two homicide cases. Leg Med (Tokyo). 2018 May;32:87-89. doi: 10.1016/j.legalmed.2018.03.006.
Yamaguchi A, Hanaoka H, Higuchi T, Tsushima Y: Radiolabeled (4-Fluoro-3-iodobenzyl) guanidine improves imaging and targeted radionuclide therapy of norepinephrine transporter-expressing tumors. J Nucl Med. 2018 May;59(5):815-821. doi: 10.2967/jnumed.117.201525.
Kasahara N, Kaira K, Alatan B, Bao P, Higuchi T, Arisaka Y, E Ochir B, Sunaga N, Ohtaki Y, Yajima T, Kosaka T, Oyama T, Yokobori T, Asao T, Nishiyama M, Tsushima Y, Kuwano H, Shimizu K, Mogi A: Correlation of tumor-related immunity with 18F-FDG-PET in pulmonary squamous-cell carcinoma. Lung Cancer. 2018 May;119:71-77. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2018.03.001.
Zhang X, Nakajima T, Kim M, Yamaguchi A, Lamid-Ochir O, Nguyen-Thu H, Bhattarai A, Hanaoka H, Tsushima Y: Activatable fluorescence detection of epidermal growth factor receptor positive mediastinal lymph nodes in murine lung cancer model. PLoS One. 2018 Jun 1;13(6):e0198224. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0198224.
Yudistiro R, Hanaoka H, Katsumata N, Yamaguchi A, Tsushima Y: Bevacizumab radioimmunotherapy (RIT) with accelerated blood clearance using the avidin chase. Mol Pharm. 2018 Jun 4;15(6):2165-2173. doi: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.8b00027.
Kubo N, Harimoto N, Shibuya K, Ishii N, Tsukagoshi M, Igarashi T, Watanabe A, Araki K, Miyazaki M, Kuwano H, Shirabe K: Successful treatment of isolated bile leakage after hepatectomy combination therapy with percutaneous transhepatic portal embolization and bile duct ablation with ethanol: a case report. Surg Case Rep. 2018 Jun 19;4(1):61. doi: 10.1186/s40792-018-0463-y.
Shiba S, Shibuya K, Katoh H, Koyama Y, Okamoto M, Abe T, Ohno T, Nakano T: No deterioration in clinical outcomes of carbon ion radiotherapy for sarcopenia patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Anticancer Res. 2018 Jun;38(6):3579-3586. doi: 10.21873/anticanres.12631.
Umbarawan Y, Rizky Syamsunarno M, Koitabashi N, Yamaguchi A, Hanaoka H, Hishiki T, Nagahata-Naito Y, Obinata H, Sano M, Sunaga H, Matsui H, Tsushima Y, Suematsu M, Kurabayashi M, Iso T: Glucose is preferentially utilized for biomass synthesis in pressure-overloaded heart: evidence from fatty acid binding protein-4 and -5 knockout mice. Cardiovasc Res. 2018 Jul 1;114(8):1132-1144. doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvy063.
Uehara T, Yokoyama M, Suzuki H, Hanaoka H, Arano Y: A gallium-67/68-labeled antibody fragment for immuno-SPECT/PET shows low renal radioactivity without loss of tumor uptake. Clin Cancer Res. 2018 Jul 15;24(14):3309-3316. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.
Kaide S, Ono M, Watanabe H, Shimizu Y, Nakamoto Y, Togashi K, Yamaguchi A, Hanaoka H, Saji H: Conversion of iodine to fluorine-18 based on iodinated chalcone and evaluation for β-amyloid PET imaging. Bioorg Med Chem. 2018 Jul 23;26(12):3352-3358. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2018.05.001.
Lamid-Ochir O, Nakajima T, Miyazaki M, Zhang X, Erdene K, Murakami T, Tsushima Y: Bioluminescence image as a quantitative imaging biomarker for preclinical evaluation of cryoablation in a murine model. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2018 Jul;29(7):1034-1040.
doi: 10.1016/j.jvir.2018.03.013.
Nguyen-Thu H, Ohyama Y, Taketomi-Takahashi A, Nguyen-Cong T, Sugimoto A, Sato M, Sumiyoshi H, Nakamura T, Kurabayashi M, Tsushima Y: Association of aortic arch width assessed by noncontrast cardiac computed tomography with cardiac remodeling, cardiac function, and atherosclerosis in a Japanese cohort. J Thorac Imaging. 2018 Jul;33(4):240-245. doi: 10.1097/RTI.0000000000000332.
Tanigawa N, Arai Y, Yamakado K, Aramaki T, Inaba Y, Kanazawa S, Matsui O, Miyazaki M, Kodama Y, Anai H, Hamanaka A: Phase I/II study of radiofrequency ablation for painful bone metastases: Japan interventional radiology in oncology study group 0208. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2018 Jul;41(7):1043-1048. doi: 10.1007/s00270-018-1944-x.
Aoki M, Tokue H, Miyazaki M, Shibuya K, Hirasawa S, Oshima K: Primary postpartum hemorrhage: outcome of uterine artery embolization. Br J Radiol. 2018 Jul;91(1087):20180132. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20180132.
Umbarawan Y, Syamsunarno MRAA, Koitabashi N, Obinata H, Yamaguchi A, Hanaoka H, Hishiki T, Hayakawa N, Sano M, Sunaga H, Matsui H, Tsushima Y, Suematsu M, Kurabayashi M, Iso T: Myocardial fatty acid uptake through CD36 is indispensable for sufficient bioenergetic metabolism to prevent progression of pressure overload-induced heart failure. Sci Rep. 2018 Aug 13;8(1):12035. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-30616-1.
Miyazaki M, Saito K, Yanagawa T, Chikuda H, Tsushima Y: Phase I clinical trial of percutaneous cryoablation for osteoid osteoma. Jpn J Radiol. 2018 Aug 14. doi: 10.1007/s11604-018-0768-6.
Miyazaki T, Sohda M, Sakai M, Kumakura Y, Yoshida T, Kuriyama K, Yokobori T, Miyazaki M, Hirato J, Okumura T, Ishikawa H, Sakurai H, Kuwano H: Multimodality therapy including proton beam therapy for AFP producing esophageal cancer with multiple liver metastases. Intern Med. 2018 Aug 15;57(16):2333-2339 doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.0270-17.
Kubo N, Harimoto N, Araki K, Hagiwara K, Yamanaka T, Ishii N, Tsukagoshi M, Igarashi T, Watanabe A, Miyazaki M, Yokoo H, Kuwano H, Shirabe K: The feature of solitary small nodular type of hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma. Case Rep Gastroenterol. 2018 Aug 21;12(2):402-410. doi: 10.1159/000490524
Tumenjargal A, Tokue H, Kishi H, Hirasawa H, Taketomi-Takahashi A, Tsushima Y: Uterine artery embolization combined with dilation and curettage for the treatment of cesarean scar pregnancy: efficacy and future fertility. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2018 Aug;41(8):1165-1173. doi: 10.1007/s00270-018-1934-z.
Taketomi-Takahashi A, Tsushima Y: In utero exposure to gadolinium-based contrast agents. Radiology. 2018 Aug;288(2):633-635. doi: 10.1148/radiol.2018180147.
Hayakawa A, Sano R, Takei H, Takahashi Y, Kubo R, Tokue H, Hirasawa S, Shimada T, Awata S, Yuasa M, Uetake S, Akuzawa H, Kominato Y: Tattoo image composed of radiopaque deposits demonstrated by postmortem computed tomography. Leg Med (Tokyo). 2018 Nov;35:9-11. doi: 10.1016/j.legalmed.2018.09.002.
Tsushima Y, Awai K, Shinoda G, Miyoshi H, Chosa M, Sunaya T, Endrikat J: Post-marketing surveillance of gadobutrol for contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in Japan. Jpn J Radiol. 2018 Nov;36(11):676-685. doi: 10.1007/s11604-018-0778-4.
Iso T, Haruyama H, Sunaga H, Matsui H, Matsui M, Tanaka R, Umbarawan Y, Syamsunarno MRAA, Putri M, Yamaguchi A, Hanaoka H, Negishi K, Yokoyama T, Kurabayashi M: CD36 is indispensable for nutrient homeostasis and endurance exercise capacity during prolonged fasting. Physiol Rep. 2018 Sep;6(19):e13884. doi: 10.14814/phy2.13884.
Watanabe Y, Tokue H, Taketomi-Takahashi A, Tsushima Y: Imaging findings and complications of transcatheter interventional treatments via the inferior phrenic arteries in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Eur J Radiol Open. 2018 Sep 25;5:171-176. doi: 10.1016/j.ejro.2018.08.010.
Ogura A, Hayakawa K, Tsushima Y, Maeda F, Kamakura A, Katagiri K: The yellow scale is superior to the gray scale for detecting acute ischemic stroke on a monitor display in computed tomography. Acad Radiol. 2018 Sep;25(9):1178-1182. doi: 10.1016/j.acra.2017.12.020.
Hasegawa T, Yamanaka T, Gobara H, Miyazaki M, Takaki H, Sato Y, Inaba Y, Yamakado K: Radiofrequency ablation versus cryoablation for T1b renal cell carcinoma: a multi-center study. Jpn J Radiol. 2018 Sep;36(9):551-558. doi: 10.1007/s11604-018-0756-x.
Kaira K, Shimizu K, Kitahara S, Yajima T, Atsumi J, Kosaka T, Ohtaki Y, Higuchi T, Oyama T, Asao T, Mogi A: 2-Deoxy-2-[fluorine-18] fluoro-d-glucose uptake on positron emission tomography is associated with programmed death ligand-1 expression in patients with pulmonary adenocarcinoma. Eur J Cancer. 2018 Sep;101:181-190. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2018.06.022.
Achmad A, Yamaguchi A, Hanaoka H, Tsushima Y: Thin-shelled PEGylated perfluorooctyl bromide nanocapsules for tumor-targeted ultrasound contrast agent. Contrast Media Mol Imaging. 2018 Nov 1;2018:1725323. doi: 10.1155/2018/1725323.
Shrestha S, Sunaga H, Hanaoka H, Yamaguchi A, Kuwahara S, Umbarawan Y, Nakajima K, Machida T, Murakami M, Saito A, Tsushima Y, Kurabayashi M, Iso T: Circulating FABP4 is eliminated by the kidney via glomerular filtration followed by megalin-mediated reabsorption. Sci Rep. 2018 Nov 6; 8(1): 16451. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-34902-w.
Kumasaka S, Nakajima T, Arisaka Y, Tokue A, Achmad A, Fukushima Y, Shimizu K, Kaira K, Tetsuya H, Tsushima Y: Prognostic value of metabolic tumor volume of pretreatment 18F-FAMT PET/CT in non-small cell lung cancer. BMC Medical Imaging. 2018 Nov 26; 18(1):46. doi: 10.1186/s12880-018-0292-2.
Shibuya K, Ohno T, Terashima K, Toyama S, Yasuda S, Tsuji H, Okimoto T, Shioyama Y, Nemoto K, Kamada T, Nakano T: Japan carbon ion radiotherapy study group: short-course carbon-ion radiotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma: a multi-institutional retrospective study. Liver Int. 2018 Dec;38(12):2239-2247. doi: 10.1111/liv.13969.
Sohda M, Miyazaki T, Honjyo H, Hara K, Ozawa D, Sakai M, Yokobori T, Higuchi T, Tsushima Y, Kuwano H: 18F-FAMT PET is useful to distinguish between specific uptake and nonspecific uptake compared to 18F-flourodeoxyglucose position emission tomography in esophageal cancer patients. Dig Surg. 2018;35(5):383-388. doi: 10.1159/000480122.CCR-18-0123.
Fukuda J, Arai K, Miyazawa H, Kobayashi K, Nakamura J, Suto T, Tsushima Y: [Injection pressure evaluation of the new venous catheter with side holes for contrast-enhanced CT/MRI]. Nihon Hoshasen Gijutsu Gakkai Zasshi. 2018;74(4):362-367. doi: 10.6009/jjrt.2018_JSRT_74.4.362.
Seki Y, Fukushima Y, Ando M, Yarita K, Suto T, Tsushima Y: [Exposure dose reduction for radiologists with combination of angular beam modulation and radiation protection drape in CT fluoroscopy: a phantom study]. Nihon Hoshasen Gijutsu Gakkai Zasshi. 2018;74(7):667-674. doi: 10.6009/jjrt.2018_JSRT_74.7.667.
Xieyi Zhang, 樋口徹也, 朝永博康, 平澤裕美, Zorigt Odgererl, 高橋綾子, 対馬義人: SUVmax may predict the theraoeutic response to 131I radioactive iodine therapy in metastatic differentiated thyroid carcinoma: A case report. 群馬県核医学研究会会誌 2018;33(1):7-10.
Khairinisa MA, Takatsuru Y, Amano I, Erdene K, Nakajima T, Kameo S, Koyama H, Tsushima Y, Koibuchi N: The Effect of Perinatal Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents on Adult Mice Behavior. Invest Radiol 2018 Feb;53(2):110-118. doi: 10.1097/RLI.0000000000000417.
Sasaki T, Shitara H, Yamamoto A, Hamano N, Ichinose T, Shimoyama D, Kobayashi T, Osawa T, Tsushima Y, Takagishi K, Chikuda H: What Is the Appropriate Reference for Evaluating the Recovery of Supraspinatus Muscle Atrophy After Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair? The Occupation Ratio of the Supraspinatus May Change After Rotator Cuff Repair Without Volumetric Improvement. Am J Sports Med 2018 May;46(6):1416-1423. doi: 10.1177/0363546518758313.
Seki Y, Fukushima Y, Ando M, Yarita K, Suto T, Tsushima Y: Exposure Dose Reduction for Radiologists with Combination of Angular Beam Modulation and Radiation Protection Drape in CT Fluoroscopy: A Phantom Study. Nihon Hoshasen Gijutsu Gakkai Zasshi. 2018;74(7):667-674.
朝永博康, 樋口徹也, 対馬義人: 難治性褐色細胞腫における131I-MIBG内照射療法の現状と展望-先進医療から企業治験へ. インナービジョン 2018年 第33巻 第11号 p49-51
金舞, 樋口徹也, 有坂有紀子, 対馬義人, 横尾聡: 口腔扁平上皮癌の予後予測におけるMTV/TLGの有用性:FDG-PETとFAMT-PETの比較. 第36回日本口腔腫瘍学会総会・学術大会 1.25-27, 新潟
Dam Trang, Okamura K, Yonemoto Y, Suto T, Nakajima T, Tsushima Y, Chikuda H: Axillary lymph node assessment on 18F-FDG PET/CT in rheumatoid arthritispatients treated with biologic therapies. 第91回日本整形外科学会 5.24-27, 神戸
Xieyi Zhang, 樋口徹也, 朝永博康, 平澤裕美, Zorigt Odgerel, 高橋綾子, 対馬義人: SUVmax may predict the therapeutic response to radioactive iodine therapy in metastatic differentiated thyroid carcinoma: a case report.第65回群馬県核医学研究会 5.26,群馬
淺野和也, 宮崎将也, 渋谷圭, 徳江浩之, 平澤裕美, 須藤高行, 対馬義人:人工気胸併用腎凍結療法における肺・軟部組織同時観察可能なCT画層表示法の視覚評価に関する検討. 第47回日本IVR学会総会 5.31-6.2, 東京
OyunboldLamid-Ochir, Miyazaki M, Nakajma T, Hirasawa H, Tsushima Y: Perfusion CT for Predicting Treatment Response of Cryoablation in Renal Tumors. 第47回日本IVR学会総会 5.31-6.2, 東京
Kumasaka S, Miyazaki M, Tokue H, Shibuya K, Watanabe Y, Kimura S, Takayasu Y, Saito J, Nakano T, Chikamatsu I, Tsushima Y: Efficacy of Intra-arterial Infusion with Concomitant Radiotherapy for Maxillary Sinus Cancer. 第47回日本IVR学会総会 5.31-6.2, 東京
Shibuya K, Miyazaki M, Araki K, Watanabe R, Harimoto N, Tsushima Y, Shirabe K: Preoperative hepatic vein embolization to induce further liver regeneration. 第47回日本IVR学会総会 5.31-6.2, 東京
Tokue H, Miyazaki M, Hirasawa S, Shibuya K, Matsuda Y, Watanabe Y, Kumasaka S, Takase A, Kimura S, Tokue A, Yamada H, Tsushima Y, Aoki M: Successful management of gastric varices draining left inferior phrenic vein joining left hepatic vein. 第47回日本IVR学会総会 5.31-6.2, 東京
Kimura S, Miyazaki M, Watanabe Y, Kumaska S, Shibuya K, Tokue H, Nomura M, Suzuki K, Tsushima Y: Factors affecting local recurrence after percutaneous cryoablation for renel cell carcinomas. 第47回日本IVR学会総会 5.31-6.2, 東京
中島崇仁, 劉子恒, 谷内華菜, 浅尾高行: せん断波エラストグラフィでの穿刺針の可視化条件の検討: Bモード画像との比較.日本超音波医学会第91回学術集会 6.8-10, 神戸
Kumasaka S, Tokue H, Miyazaki M, Shibuya K, Kumasaka Y, Taketomi-Takahashi A, Tsushima Y: Efficacy of Adrenal Venous Sampling in Primary Aldosteronism. Progress in Radiology 2018 June 13-15, Bergen, Norway
Tien Nguyen-Cong, Ohyama Y, Taketomi-Tkahashi A, Huong Nguyen-Thu, Sato M, Sumiyoshi H, Nakamura T, Kurabayashi M, Tsushima Y: Effect of the left atrial diameter on the quality image in coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA). Progress in Radiology 2018 June 13-15, Bergen, Norway
Xieyi Zhang, Higuchi T, Achmad A, Bhattarai A, Tomonaga H, Nguyen Thu Huong, Yamaguchi A, Hirasawa H, Taketomi-Takahashi A, Tsushima Y: Can 18F-FDG PET predict the response to 131I radioactive iodine ablation therapy in metastatic differentiated thyroride carcinoma? Progress in Radiology 2018 June 13-15, Bergen, Norway
Kishi K, Suto T, Hirasawa H, Taketomi-Takahashi A, Tsushima Y: Incident/Accident Reports in the Radiology Department of Gunma University Hospital. Progress in Radiology 2018 June 13-15, Bergen, Norway
Seki Y Ando M, Suto T, Funada R, Hirasawa H, Taketomi-Takahashi A, Tsushima Y: Evaluation of eye lens dose for percutaneous coronary intervention. Progress in Radiology 2018 June 13-15, Bergen, Norway
Putri Andriana, A.Adhipatria P, Hanaoka H, Kameo S, Koyama H, Taketomi-Takahashi A, Tsushima Y: Analysis of GBCAs Deposition Mechanism by HPKC tandem ICP-MS in Mice Following Single Dose Administration. Progress in Radiology 2018 June 13-15, Bergen, Norway
Hanaoka H, Yamaguchi A, Mahendora I, Heriyanto Y, Higuchi T, Tsushima Y: Probenecid loading enhancesspecific uptakeof18F-3-fluoro-L-α-methyltyrosine (FAMT). Progress in Radiology 2018 June 13-15, Bergen, Norway
Yamaguchi A, Hanaoka H, Tsushima Y: Development of a positron emission tomography (PET)imaging agent targeting macrophage mannose receptor for the early detection of venerable plaques. Progress in Radiology 2018 June 13-15, Bergen, Norway
Putri Andriana, Hanaoka H, Yamaguchi A, Tsushima Y: Potential of pre-labeling method for on-site preparation of radiometal-labeled antibody. Progress in Radiology 2018 June 13-15, Bergen, Norway
Miyazaki M, Saito K, Kimura S, Kumasaka S, WatanabeY, Yanagawa T, Chikuda H, Tsushima Y: 類骨骨腫に対する経皮的凍結療法の第I 相臨床試験および文献レビュー. 第77回日本医学放射線学会総会 4.12-15, 横浜
Tokue H, Morita H, Hirasawa S, Miyazaki M, Shibuya K, Tokue A, Matsuda , Kumasaka S, Watanabe Y, Tsushima Y:下腹壁動脈塞栓術の検討. 第77回日本医学放射線学会総会 4.12-15, 横浜
Watanabe Y, Tokue H, Kishi K, Suto T, Kumasaka S, Matsuda Y, Shibuya K, Miyazaki M, Hirasawa S, Tsushima Y: 血管造影室における当科IVR 手技に関連したインシデントレポートの検証. 第77回日本医学放射線学会総会 4.12-15, 横浜
Nakajima T, Yamakoshi Y, Yamazaki M, Taniguchi K: 新規弾性超音波撮像法であるCD SWI を用いた乳腺elastography の定量的評価. 第77回日本医学放射線学会総会 4.12-15, 横浜
Kumasaka S, Miyazaki M, Tokue H, Watanabe Y, Kimura S, Takayasu Y Saito J, Nakano T, Chikamatsu K, Tsushima Y: 進行性上顎洞癌に対する放射線併用隔週動注化学療法の有効性に関する検討. 第77回日本医学放射線学会総会 4.12-15, 横浜
Xieyi Zhang, Higuchi T, Tomonaga H, Bhattarai A, Olyunbold Lamid-Ochir, Huong Nguyen Thu, Yamaguchi A, Hirasawa H, Taketomi-Takahashi A, Tsuhshima Y: The Value of Dynamic Monitoring of Thyroglobulin Doubling Time in Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society 4.12-15, Yokohama
Huong Nguyen Thu, Hanaoka H, Nakajima T, Yamaguchi A, Tsushima Y: Evaluation of DW-MRI and 18FFDGPET for Early Prediction of Triple Negative Breast Cancer Response to Paclitaxel Treatment in Mouse Model. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society 4.12-15, Yokohama
Manduul Enkhjargal, Nakajima T, Shibuya K, Tsushima Y, Hirasawa H: Quantitative Analysis of Liver Functional Reserve Using Gd-EOB-DTPA MR Imaging. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society 4.12-15, Yokohama
Amartuvshin Tumenjargal, Hanaoka H, Gombodorj N, Taketomi-Takahashi A, Tsushima Y: Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Imaging of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) with 64Cu-labeled Bevacizumab in Endometriosis Mouse Model. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society 4.12-15, Yokohama
Suman Shrestha, Iso T, Hanaoka H, Sunaga H, Yamaguchi A, Tsushima Y, Kurabayashi M: Iodine 125 Labeling of FABP4 Aids in Exploring Mechanism of Its Clearance from Circulation. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society 4.12-15, Yokohama
Citra R.A.P. Palangka, Hanaoka H, Tsushima Y: Radiolabeled Peptide for Apoptosis Imaging. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society 4.12-15, Yokohama
Odgerel Zorigt, Nakajima T, Yasuda H, Tsushima Y: Effects of GdCl3 or GBCAs on Hippocampal Synaptic Transmission. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society 4.12-15, Yokohama
Andriana P, Kartamihardja AA, Hanaoka H, Taketomi-Takahashi A, Tsushima Y: Analysis of GBCAs Deposition Mechanism in MiceFollowing Single Dose Administration. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society 4.12-15, Yokohama
Lamid-OchirOyunbold, Miyazaki M, Hirasawa H, Nakajima T, Tsushima Y: Quantitative Analysis of Perfusion CT Allows Prediction of Treatment Response in Renal Tumors Treated by Cryoablation. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society 4.12-15, Yokohama
Nguyen-CongTien, Ohyama Y, Taketomi-Takahashi A, Huong Nguen-Thu, Sato M, Sumiyoshi H, Nakamura T, Kurabayashi M, Tsushima Y: Effect of the Pulmonary Circulation on the Quality Image in Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA). The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society 4.12-15, Yokohama
Hanaoka H, Achmad A, Yamaguchi A, Huong Thu Nguyen, Sugo Y, Ishioka N, Tsushima Y: Usefulness of Cu-64-labeled cetuximab PET screening to predict response to cetuximab treatment in non-small cell lung cancer. 12thCongress of The World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology 20-24 April 2018 Melbourne, Australia
Xieyi Zhang, Olyunbold Lamid-Ochir, Nakajima T, Tsushima Y: Detection of epidermal growth factor receptor expressing lung squamous cell carcinoma by activatable fluorescence imaging. SNMMI 2018 Annual Meeting 6/23-26, Philadelphia, USA
宮崎将也:Percutaneous Cryoablation for Musculoskeletal Tumors. 第45回日本低温医学会総会 8.24-25, 千葉
宮崎将也:セミナー局所療法の現状と将来「肝悪性腫瘍に対する経皮的凍結療法. 第19回RFA・凍結療法研究会 8.26, 東京
高木雄大:1.5mm凍結針を用いた肺悪性悪性腫瘍に対する経皮的凍結療法の初期経験. 第19回RFA・凍結療法研究会 8.26, 東京
宮崎将也:肝がんに対する経皮的凍結療法. 第43回リザーバー研究研究会 8.31-9.1, 群馬
渋谷圭: 局所進行肝細胞癌に対する肝静注リザーバーと分子標的薬剤の費用対効果分析. 第43回リザーバー研究研究会 8.31-9.1, 群馬
中島崇仁: 光免疫療法の紹介と将来のIVR的展望. 第43回リザーバー研究研究会 8.31-9.1, 群馬
小松嵩和: 当院における上腕留置型CVポートの初期経験. 第43回リザーバー研究研究会 8.31-9.1, 群馬
高木雄大: 1.5mm凍結針を用いた肺悪性腫瘍に対する経皮的凍結療法の初期経験. 第294回Open Film Conference 9.20, 群馬
A.Adhipatria P, Hanaoka H, Putri A, Kameo S, Koyama H, Tsushima Y: Quantitative Analysis of Gadolinium in the Protein Content of the Brain follow Single Injection of Gadopentate by Size Exclusion Choromatography. 第65回北関東医学会総会 9.20-21, 群馬
金舞, 樋口徹也, 中島崇仁, Putri Andoriana, 平澤裕美, 徳江梓, 栗原淳, 対馬義人, 横尾聡: 口腔扁平上皮癌の予後予測における18F-FDGおよび18F-FAMTPETの有用性. 第65回北関東医学会総会 9.20-21, 群馬
藤原千紗子, 茂木精一郎, 関口明子, 原健一郎, 樋口徹也, 平澤裕美, 小平明果, 朝永博康, 対馬義人: 皮膚筋炎患者の筋炎と間質性肺炎の評価におけるFDG-PETの有用性について. 第65回北関東医学会総会 9.20-21, 群馬
対馬義人: 病院放射線診断部門におけるコミュニケーション. 第65回北関東医学会総会 9.20-21, 群馬
対馬義人: 造影剤の安全性に関する砂金の話題~ESURガイドラインVer.10.0を中心に~. 第19回群馬県CT・MRI研究会 9.29, 群馬
吉原晃生, 中島崇仁, 岡内研三, 対馬義人, 平方智子, 藤井孝明: 治療抵抗性であったG-CSF産生乳癌の1例. 第54回日本医学放射線学会 10.5-7, 福岡
高橋亮介: 当院で経験した冠動脈医学の心臓CT所見. 第47回断層映像研究会 10.19-20, 北海道
徳江浩之: 帝王切開瘢痕部妊娠に対する子宮動脈塞栓術と子宮内膜掻爬術の併用治療. 第47回断層映像研究会 10.19-20, 北海道
宮崎将也: 転移性骨軟部腫瘍に対する経皮的凍結療法の初期経験. 第8回緩和IVR研究会 11.3, 奈良
花岡 宏史, Arifudin Achmad, 山口 藍子, 須郷 由美, 石岡 典子, 対馬 義人:抗EGFR抗体治療適応患者のスクリーニングにおけるCu-64標的抗体の有用性. 第66回群馬県核医学研究会 11.10, 群馬
Suman Shrestha, 樋口 徹也, 徳江 梓, 平澤 裕美, 白井 克幸, 斎藤 淳一, 中野 隆史, 大野 達也, Shereya Shrestha, 対馬 義人: Possibility of FDG PET/CT volumetric parameters asprognostic factors for survival analysis of non-small cell lung cancer stage I treated with Carbon ion therapy. 第66回群馬県核医学研究会 11.10, 群馬
山田宏明, 徳永真理, 澤田達宏, 藤塚雄司, 牧野武朗, 悦永徹, 斎藤佳隆, 竹澤豊, 小林幹男: 前立腺癌生検前における、単純MRIの有用性についての検討 PIRADSv2を踏まえ 第34回前立腺シンポジウム 12.8-9, 東京
関優子, 新井啓祐, 安藤雅, 福田淳也, 須藤高行, 青木誠, 大嶋清宏, 対馬義人: 救急患者における造影CTの撮影に要する時間の検討 関東・東京支部合同研究発表大会2018, 12.15-16, 埼玉