Tokue H, Tokue A, Tsushima Y: Detection of child abuse on computed tomography imaging due to presence of severe caries: a case report. Oral Radiol. 2022 Jan doi; 10.1007s11282-022-00591-5.
Shitara H, Ichinose T, Shimoyama D, Sasaki T, Hamano N, Kamiyama M, Tajika T, Yamamoto A, Kobayashi T, Hanakawa T, Tsushima Y, Takagishi K, Chikuda H: Neuroplasticity Caused by Peripheral Proprioceptive Deficits. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2022 Jan 1;54(1):28-37.
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Kanai A, Hanaoka H, Yamaguchi A, Mahendra I, Palangka C, Ohshima Y, Higuchi T, Tsushima Y: Enhancing the accumulation level of 3-[18F] fluoro-L-α-methyltyrosine in tumors by preloading probenecid. Nucl Med Biol Jan-Feb 2022;104-105:47-52. doi: 10.1016/j.nucmedbio.2021.11.006.
Zhang X, Ogihara T, Zhu M, Gantumur D, Li Y, Mizoi K, Kamioka H, Tsushima Y: Effect of metformin on 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake and positron emission tomographic imaging. Br J Radiol 2022 Feb 1;95(1130):20200810. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20200810.
Araki K, Harimoto N, Shibuya K, Kubo N, Watanabe A, Igarashi T, Tsukagoshi M, Ishii N, Tsushima Y, Shirabe K: Prediction with functional liver volume assessment to achieve the resection limit after portal vein embolization in patients scheduled major hepatectomy. HPB (Oxford) 2022 Feb;24(2):176-182. doi: 10.1016/j.hpb.2021.05.013.
Kanzaki T, Higuchi T, Tkahashi Y, Sasaki M, Tsushima Y: A lightweight 0.25mm lead equivalence protective apron for shielding radiological technologists from radiation exposure during single-photon emission computed tomography in nuclear medicine. Radioprotection. 2022 Feb 57(2): 143-148
Tokue H, Tokue A, Tsushima Y: Effectiveness of a flow confirmation study of a central venous port of the upper arm versus the chest wall in patients with suspected system-related mechanical complications. World J Surg Oncol. 2022 Mar 22; 20(1): 91. doi:10.1186/s12957-022-02565-7.
Gu W, Mo S, Wang Y, Kawabata-Iwakawa R, Zhang W, Yang Z, Sun C, Tshshima Y, Xu H, Nakajima T: Robust Validation and Comprehensive Analysis of a Novel Signature Derived from Crucial Metabolic Pathways of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Cancers. 2022 Mar 14, 1825.
Yamaguchi K, Fukushima Y, Yamaguchi A, Itai M, Shin Y, Uno S, Muto S, Kouno S, Tsurumaki H, Yatomi M, Aoki-Saito H, Hara K, Koga Y, Sunaga N, Endo Y, Motegi SI, Nakasatomi M, Sakairi T, Ikeuchi H, Hiromura K, Hisada T, Tsushima Y, Kuwana M, Maeno T: Influence of obesity in interstitial lung disease associated with anti-aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase antibodies. Respir Med
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Kumasaka S, Motegi S, Kumasaka Y, Nishikata T, Otomo M, Tsushima Y: Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (WB-MRI) with diffusion-weighted whole-body imaging with background body signal suppression (DWIBS) in prostate cancer: Prevalence and clinical significance of incidental findings. Br J Radiol 2022 Mar 1;95(1131):20210459. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20210459. Epub
Inaki A, Shiga T, Tsushima Y, Jinguji M, Wakabayashi H, Kayano D, Akatani N, Yamase T, Kunita Y, Watanabe S, Hiromasa T, Mori H, Hirata K, Watanabe S, Higuchi T, Tomonaga H, Kinuya S: An open-label, single-arm, multi-center, phase II clinical trial of single-dose [131I] meta-iodobenzylguanidine therapy for patients with refractory pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma.
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Tagawa M, Takei Y, Kato Y, Suto T, Hironaga N, Ohki T, Takahashi Y, Fujihara K, Sakurai N, Ujita K, Tsushima Y, Fukuda M: Disrupted local beta band networks in schizophrenia revealed through graph analysis: A magnetoencephalography study. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2022 Apr 76: 309-320
Ngyen-Cong T, Ohyama Y, Taketomi-Takahashi A, Ngyen-Huong T, Sumiyoshi H, Nakamura T, Kurabayashi M, Tsushima Y: Impact of left atrial enlargement on image quality in coronary computed tomography angiography. Clin Imaging. 2022 Apr; 84: 87-92. doi: 10.1016/j.clinimag.2022.01.003.
Ariyani W, Miyazaki W, Tsushima Y, Koibuchi N: Gadolinium-based contrast agent accelerates the migration of astrocyte via integrin αvβ3 signaling pathway. Sci Rep 2022 Apr 7;12(1):5850.
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Yamaguchi K, Nakajima T, Yamaguchi A, Itai M, Onuki Y, Shin Y, Uno S, Muto S, Kouno S, Yatomi M, Aoki-Saito H, Hara K, Endo Y, Motegi SI, Muro Y, Nakasatomi M, Sakairi T, Hiromura K, Katsumata N, Hirasawa H, Tsushima Y, Maeno T: Quantitative CT analysis of interstitial pneumonia in anti-melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 antibody-positive dermatomyositis: a single center, retrospective study. Clin Rheumatol 2022 May;41(5):1473-1481.
Osawa S, Tosaka M, Horiguchi K, Tokue A, Higuchi T, Tsushima Y, Yoshimoto Y: Usefulness of dual isotope 123I-IMP and 201Tl SPECT for the diagnosis of primary central nervous system lymphoma and glioblastoma. Int J Clin Oncol. 2022 May 13. doi: 10.1007/s10147-022-02171-3.
Furuta M, Sato M, Tsukagoshi S, Tsushima Y, Ikeda Y: Criteria-unfulfilled multiple system atrophy at an initial stage exhibits laterality of middle cerebellar peduncles J Neurol Sci. 2022 May 14;438:120281. doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2022.120281.
Fu Y, Guo Z, Wang Y, Zhang H, Zhang F, Xu Z, Shen X, Roppongi R, Mo S, Gu W, Nakajima T, Tsushima Y: Single-nucleus RNA sequencing reveals the shared mechanisms inducing cognitive impairment between COVID-19 and Alzheimer’s disease. Front Immunol. 2022 Sep doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.967356
Ryuji K, Hiroomi O, Takahiro T, Naoya O, Kunihiko S, Katsuya O, Takuhisa O, Takya S, Akihiko S, Makoto S, Makoto S, Ken Shirabe, Yoshito T, Hiroshi S: Significance of routine preoperative prone computed tomography for predicting intractable cases of inguinal hernias treated by transabdominal preperitoneal repair. Medicine 2022 Dec; 101(48) pe 31917 doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000031917
Hayakawa A, Sano R, Takahashi Y, Fukuda H, Okawa T, Kubo R, Takei H, Komatsu T, Tokue H, Sawada Y, Oshima K, Horioka K, Kominato Y.
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徳江 浩之, 対馬 義人, 佐野 利恵, 高橋 遥一郎, 早川 輝, 福田 治紀, 小湊 慶彦: 左冠動脈肺動脈起始症. 画像診断 2022 Vol.42(8) 710~711
徳江浩之, 江原雅之, 対馬義人, 横尾英明: 癒着胎盤. 画像診断 2022 Vol.42(9) 836~837
徳江浩之, 若林祐, 江原雅之, 対馬義人, 横尾英明: 褐色細胞腫. 画像診断 2022 Vol.42(10) 958~959
徳江浩之, 若林祐, 江原雅之, 対馬義人, 横尾英明:滑膜肉腫. 画像診断 2022 Vol.42(12) 1080~1081
徳江梓, 徳江浩之, 若林祐, 江原雅之, 対馬義人, 横尾英明: 線維性孤立性腫瘍. 画像診断 2022 Vol.42(13) 1206~1207
徳江浩之, 若林祐, 江原雅之, 対馬義人, 横尾英明: 肺癌の子宮転移. 画像診断 2022 Vol.42(14) 1324~1325
徳江浩之, 対馬義人: 肝TAE後, 塞栓物質の胃血管への流入. 臨床画像 2022 Vol.38(12): 1494~1496
徳江浩之: 上腕CVポートと胸壁CVポートに対するフローチェックの比較と有効性の検討 第81回日本医学放射線学会 4.15
徳江浩之: 癒着胎盤に対する出血予防のためのバルーン閉鎖術 第81回日本医学放射線学会 4.16
Tokue H, Kameda T, Shibuya K, Kumasaka S, Ebara M, Takase A, YoshiharaT, Yasui H, Takayama H, Tokue A, Tsushima Y: PABO above or below the ovarian artery in patients with coexisting placenta accreta and previa. JSIR, ISIR&APSCVIR2022 6.6, Kobe
Yoshihara T, Tokue H, Yasui H, Ebara M, Kumasaka S, Sibuya K, Tsushima Y: Image findings of CT and clinical outcomes of transarterial embolization for retained placenta. JSIR, ISIR&APSCVIR2022 6.6, Kobe
池谷美穂, 市川智章, 渋谷圭, 江原雅之, 山崎勇一, 山中崇弘, 松村望, 調憲, 対馬義人: 胆管拡張を示し悪性腫瘍との鑑別を要した肝サイコイドーシスの1例 第35回日本腹部放射線学会6.25, 高知
吉原晃生, 徳江浩之, 高瀬彩, 池谷美穂, 高山裕章, 横田貴之, 江原雅之, 熊坂創真, 渋谷圭, 対馬義人: 後腹膜気腫をきたした腎生検の1例 第33回関東IVR研究会 7.9, 東京
関優子, 武井宏行, 須藤高行, 河谷菜津子, 平澤裕美, 対馬義人: 胸部動態撮影から得られた肺最大面積と肺体積・呼吸機能との関連. 第38回日本診療放射線技師学術大会 9.17, 兵庫
池谷美穂, 市川智章, 対馬義人, 佐野孝昭: 悪性腫瘍との鑑別が困難であった炎症性血管筋脂肪腫(inflammatory AML)の1例 第50回断層映像研究会 9.30, 東京
徳江浩之, 佐野利恵, 早川輝, 高橋遥一郎, 福田治紀, 小湊慶彦, 対馬義人: 特徴的な死後CT画像を呈したベンジン嚥下症例. 第91回日本法医学会学術関東地方集会 10.8, 千葉
高瀬彩: 4症例目モデレーター 胸腺腫を合併した抗GABAA受容体抗体陽性自己免疫性脳炎. 第398回東京レントゲンカンファレンス 11.24, 東京
福島康宏, 須藤高行, 平澤裕美, 対馬義人: 造影剤によるアナフィラキシーショックの初期対応についての評価:単施設後ろ向き研究. 第17回医療の質・安全学会学術集会 11.26, 神戸
中村翔, 関優子, 安藤雅, 須藤高行, 徳江浩之, 平澤裕美, 対馬義人: IVR-CT装置更新に伴う肝動脈化学塞栓術における患者被ばく線量調査. 日本放射線技術学会第69回関東支部研究発表大会12.3, つくば市